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In these paintings I am using larger and more varied brushstrokes to establish more contrasts of shape and colour-areas within the composition. This gives colour a stronger role in the paintings. I am also creating a deeper space by using cooler blues and yellows which recede, while the reds and oranges come forward. Now the drawn brushstrokes appear to move in and out of space.
Here you can see a selection of paintings created in the years 2004 and 2005, except for Light Reflections, 1999, which is the inspiration behind them all. These pictures are particularly vibrant and energetic. Feasts of colour and swirling movements, expressions of freedom and joy.
Here you can see a selection of paintings created in the years 2002 and 2003. A theme that recurs in my work is the relationship between geometric shapes. Energy and movement are created through the use of spheres and rectangles and the ways in which they are juxtaposed. The shapes give a clear structure to the paintings and the colours are bright and assertive. Whatever I paint, my objective is to lift the spirit through visual means. For me, art must engender positive feelings.